O Rio Oiapoque e a cidade de Oiapoque
Helen e Paul estão dando a volta ao mundo num Land Rover 110, ano 94. Explicam o que fazem:
"For us, Overlanding is ... an opportunity to stretch ourselves, get outside our comfort zone, to learn from that experience. It’s a state of mind, a lifestyle choice, a chance to learn to live with the rhythms of nature, not protected from the earth by a layer of concrete and a Tesco’s down the road.
We could travel by plane, but hopping from one place to another leaves little chance to experience and understand the differences and transitions between cultures and attitudes. We hope to be more than just tourists in the places we visit.
If we had been younger or fitter, or started a long time ago, we may have backpacked our way around the world. But our bodies are less strong than they were, and time is not on our side."
Da minha parte, é pela curiosidade de ver onde o sol se esconde. Vê se compreende.
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